

Elevate Protection, Maximize A2P SMS Revenue

Safeguard your network and boost revenue with Javna’s A2P SMS Monetisation: a comprehensive solution for customer protection and enhanced A2P SMS revenue.
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Empowering Telecom Operators with Cutting-Edge Technology
In an industry that is the backbone of global communication, the need for advanced, secure, and revenue-optimizing solutions is paramount. Javna’s innovative approach to telecommunications, particularly for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), addresses these core requirements.

We offer state-of-the-art Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) solutions, designed to enhance existing telecom services, introduce new communication methods, and significantly improve customer service.

Why Javna

Maximizing Telecom Potential
Javna’s solutions for the telecom industry are distinguished by several key USPs that set our services apart, ensuring that Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) receive the most advanced, secure, and profitable solutions available.
Revenue Optimization in A2P Messaging

Revenue Optimization in A2P Messaging

Capitalizing on A2P Opportunities – As the A2P messaging market expands, we address the challenge of grey routes and revenue leakage. Our services ensure full management and control of A2P traffic, turning potential losses into significant revenue gains.

Zero Capital Investment Required

Efficiency without the Expense – Our A2P Monetization model is designed to require no upfront investment from telecom operators. We handle setup and optimization, ensuring a cost-effective path to increased revenue.
Zero Capital Investment Required
Advanced Traffic Segmentation and Leakage Prevention

Advanced Traffic Segmentation and Leakage Prevention

Strategic Control over Messaging Traffic – Utilize our sophisticated strategies to manage and segment A2P messaging traffic, effectively preventing revenue leakage and ensuring optimal profits from every message.

Secure and Reliable Network Operations

Ensuring Network Integrity and Customer Trust – With vigilant monitoring and protection of your network, we provide a robust defense against various messaging threats, maintaining the security and reliability your customers expect.
Secure and Reliable Network Operations
Compliance with Global Standards

Compliance with Global Standards

Adherence to Regulatory Requirements – Navigate the complexities of global and local regulations confidently. Our compliant solutions align your A2P messaging strategy with legal standards, protecting your business from potential legal and reputational risks.

Combat SIM Box Fraud Effectively

Protect Against Advanced Threats – Neutralize SIM box fraud and suspicious activities with our sophisticated filtering and analytical tools. Ensure the security of your customers without impacting legitimate traffic.
Combat SIM Box Fraud Effectively
Prevent Smishing Attacks with AI

Prevent Smishing Attacks with AI

Leveraging Machine Learning for Security – Utilize our AI-driven techniques to detect and block smishing attempts in real-time, offering your subscribers advanced protection against these sophisticated attacks.

Insightful Real-Time Traffic Analysis

In-Depth Traffic Insights – Gain complete control over your network with tailored traffic segmentation. Our comprehensive analytics provide deep insights into traffic patterns, helping you make data-driven decisions.
Insightful Real-Time Traffic Analysis

Javna's solutions

Unlocking New Potentials in Telecom with Javna
Javna’s A2P SMS Monetisation solutions offer a range of key benefits to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), designed to elevate their services, secure their networks, and maximize their revenue potential.

Boost Your A2P Messaging Profits​

Amplify your A2P SMS revenue with our advanced traffic segmentation and leakage prevention strategies. We ensure that every message contributes to your growth, effectively keeping grey routes at bay.

Eliminate Grey Routes for Revenue Assurance

Ensure accurate accounting for every message, maximizing your A2P revenue potential by effectively eradicating grey routes.
Start Your Journey with Javna Today
Redefine the way you operate in the retail and e-commerce industry. Embrace the future with solutions that drive growth, customer satisfaction, and operational excellence.
Trusted by 
500M users

Frequently Asked Questions

Clarifying Your Telecom
Solutions Queries
Gain a deeper understanding of how Javna’s solutions can revolutionize telecommunications services. This section addresses common questions, providing insights into the capabilities and benefits of our services for the telecom sector.
Javna’s A2P SMS Monetisation solutions optimize revenue streams by managing and controlling A2P traffic, preventing revenue leakage through grey routes, and ensuring that every message contributes to your growth.
Yes, our solutions are designed for seamless integration with current telecom infrastructure, ensuring a smooth transition without disrupting existing operations.
We employ advanced filtering and analytical tools to target and neutralize SIM box fraud and use machine learning techniques to detect and block smishing attempts, securing your network and protecting your customers.
Absolutely. Our solutions are developed to adhere to various global and local regulatory standards, including GDPR, TCPA, and CAN-SPAM, ensuring compliance and minimizing legal and reputational risks.
We prioritize the security of telecom networks and their customers by vigilantly monitoring inbound and outbound traffic and implementing robust protection measures against various messaging threats.
Javna provides comprehensive support, including technical assistance, strategic advice, and continuous optimization recommendations, to ensure our telecom partners achieve and maintain success with our solutions.
For more detailed information or specific queries,
please feel free to reach out to our team.
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